About Us
WE HELP YOU IN FURNISHING THE RIGHT EVIDENCE: a sound opinion of value must be reached for you to win your case.
After finishing college, working in the financial sectors in a few major corporations as well as the construction industry, real estate appraisal became his next expertise. After going through training, internship and certification, the author became a real estate appraiser.
We point you into the right direction to use the facts you need to present your case in the right way in order to win.
Bring good evidence and you win. All that is needed is the right evidence.
With our background as professional real estate appraisers, we want to help you win your case armed with the same evidence that a licensed real estate appraiser would present.
Of course you’ll need to get a handful of comparable sold homes that were sold within the time frame that you are appealing against. This involves going to your local real estate broker to gather these comparable home sales from their sold listings.
Your real estate agency will want to help you and create a favorable impression since you can be the source of future referrals as well as a possible listing if you decide to sell your home.
We provide you with step-by-step methods for assessing those specific valuation categories that apply to your circumstance. Everyone’s situation and home is different and so will be the comparables that are chosen. You’ll be cherry picking your comparables and will need to come up with a favorable valuations so that you win your appeal.
We will show you every method, all the steps you need to take to reconcile value for each area of adjustment for the various categories one can adjust for. There will be only a few categories that will apply to your particular situation. These categories are:
- Locational differences – could be a noisy location vs a quite location.
- Quality of construction of comparable home might differ from yours.
- Style of house may be more appealing or less appealing than your home.
- Age and condition of home may be different.
- Square footage living space differences and valuation multipliers are used to account for differences.
- Property size and view adjustments. A great view could be worth multiples more.
- Overbuilt features and functional utility deficiencies might apply.
- Different neighborhoods used for comparables may be more or less appealing than yours.
- Difference in number of rooms, bathrooms, bedrooms carry valuation differences.
- Differences in sale dates on homes as well as financing concessions carry valuation adjustments.
- Types of windows, finished or unfinished basement, porches, patio, decks, and landscaping accents carry adjustment valuation reconciliations.
- A good vs and inferior school district for a comparable may deserve a price adjustment.